Visiting Maunakea is a unique experience that comes with important safety and cultural considerations. Be sure to watch the orientation video and review the administrative rules for activity on Maunakea.


Maunakea is a place of deep significance for Native Hawaiians and our local community where respectful behavior is expected. Maunakea’s summit is nearly 14,000 feet (4,205 meters) above sea level, and visitors should be aware of the risks associated with visiting this remote, high-altitude location.

Kamaʻāina Observatory Experience

The Kamaʻāina Observatory Experience Program on Mauanakea is only open to local residents. Learn more.

The Kamaʻāina Observatory Experience (KOE) is a free tour program offering Hawai‘i residents the opportunity to visit world-class telescopes at the summit of Maunakea on Hawai‘i Island. This monthly program invites participants to learn about the scientific, cultural, and environmental importance of the mauna and then allows them to actually visit the inside of one of the telescopes atop Maunakea.

Each tour is limited to 12-14 participants, and registration is required on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration opens one month in advance of each tour date. Children ages 13 - 17 years of age need to be accompanied by an adult (children 12 and younger cannot be accommodated on the tour). Due to the high elevation of Maunakea, people with pre-existing health conditions, particularly cardiovascular or respiratory diseases, should consult with their physician before signing up for the tour. The tour is not recommended for anyone who is pregnant or has been scuba diving 24 hours prior to the tour date.